Remote Assistance

With our live remote-assistance tool, a member of our support team can view your desktop and share control of your mouse and keyboard to start troubleshooting your issue.
How It Works

  1. Call our technical support group at 800-914-9594 x 2 or log a case using the Portal Tool.
  2. When a support representative is available, he/she will contact you and provide you with a meeting ID.
  3. Type the meeting ID provided into the box below.
  4. The meeting software will connect your PC with the support representative’s PC. Depending on the issue you will be able to see the support representative screen so they can show and explain how something should be setup or used. The connection can be reversed so you can show and explain your question or issue. With your permission, your support representative will then view your screen and share control of your mouse and keyboard. You are in full control of your computer at all time. You always have overriding control of your mouse and keyboard, and you can end the screen-sharing at any time.
  5. If your support inquiry needs additional troubleshooting and cannot be solved within the first 15 minutes, the support representative will end the call and continue to troubleshoot off-line.

To connect to an online meeting, enter the meeting ID provided by the meeting organizer.