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Basic Add Applicant

Page Locations:
Applicants > Add Applicant

The Basic Import option will allow the user to create an applicant record using a cut/pasted version of a resume or no resume at all. If a resume is used, the system will read the resume for demographic information and skills (code, description and synonyms). 

Verification / Data Entry

Whichever method is chosen to start the process, the next page displays key information related to the creation of the applicant profile.  Review/update the information as needed to complete the record creation.
When using this page, be sure to use the TAB key and not the ENTER key to move through the various fields.  Pressing the ENTER key will signal that the page is complete and will move the user to the next page.  If this occurs DO NOT use the back button to go back and finish the data entry, instead, navigate needed applicant page to finish the data entry.


Field Purpose/Value  Notes 
SS Login The login which the applicant will use to access Self Service. This only appears if 'Custom Login' is selected as the login for the Self Service module.  If this field appears, it is required.

There cannot be more than one applicant with the same SS Login.  So, if the value entered is already in use, a message will appear prompting the user to change the value. 
First Name First Name Required Field
Middle Name Middle Name   
Last Name Last Name Required Field
Home Phone Home Phone Number  
Work Phone Work Phone Number  
Ext Work Phone Number Extension  
Cell Phone Cell Phone  
Primary Phone Select Work, Home or Cell as the best way to contact the applicant. This field determines which phone number appears in the various results pages when looking up applicants. 
Email Home Email Address  
Requisition If the applicant should be connected to a specific requisition, select it from the drop-down list. The drop-down list will display all non-closed requisitions.

If a requisition is added, the field for 'Actions' is set to No so that an applicant can finish the online application process via the Self Service module by clicking the Incomplete link.
Status Select the status of the applicant.  If a requisition is selected, this will be the Overall Status as well as the status assigned to the requisition. Required Field.

If nothing is showing in the drop-down value, check the user security for the person attempting this process to make sure he/she is a Recruiter, Manager or Evaluator. 

If this is correct, make sure that the Applicant Statuses have one of the roles assigned to the status.
Application Date Date the applicant applied to the organization. Required field.

This will default to the current date but can be updated.
Self Service Select the view the applicant should see of the Self Service module.

Wizard = Online Applicant Process
Normal = Full navigation
If nothing is selected, "Normal" is also the default.

If "Wizard" is select, the applicant's view of the self service module will be the Online Application process until he/she has finished the process.  At which time, the standard Actions which occur when an applicant applies online would occur (change to Overall Status, status connected to the requisition, routings, etc.)
Address Line 1 Street Address  
Address Line 2 Appt #  
City City  
State/Province State or Province  
Zip/Postal Code Zip or Postal Code  
Country Country  
Fax Fax Number  
Referral Source Select the referral source of this applicant from the list. This is saved into the Overall Referral source and, if a position is selected, saved into the referral source for the position as well. 
Position Desired Select the position desired from the list of options. This is NOT a requisition but rather a classification for which type of job the applicant is either interested in or qualified.
Add to my inbox Check this box to add the applicant to the Inbox view for the user who is doing the data entry.  
Open Text Box This box is for the text version of the resume.  If a file was used to start the process, the system will have created a text version of the resume from the file.   

Verification of Duplicates

When the page is saved, the values entered will be compared against the assigned fields for duplicate checking. If the system determines the applicant could be a duplicate, the system will prompt the user to verify if the new information should be added or if the applicant really is a duplicate. 

If this box appears, select either to Keep to new applicant  or to Delete the new applicant information entered.  Press Submit to continue.  If the new information was deleted, find the existing record and update it with the new information provided.

Emailing Confirmation

If an email address was entered on the data entry screen, the 'New Applicant' email will appear and prompt the user to complete a quick email letting the applicant know his/her information was entered into the system.  This email is configurable under the Admin section (Admin > Page Builder > Correspondence Templates).

Depending on the setup of the email template, various field will be populated into the email which will make a customized email, specific to this applicant.  Be sure to read the email before continuing to make sure all the information has merged correctly and add any information not already in the email which should be communicated at this time. 

Either press 'Send' to trigger the email and re-direct to the experience page of the applicant file OR press 'Cancel' to go directly to the experience page of the applicant file.


See also

Setting Up Skills