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New Applicant Email

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This email is triggered by manually adding an applicant into the system either via the Add Applicant or Advanced Import processes.  The applicant MUST have an email address in order for the email template to appear.  This email will appear as a template and the user can modify the email before the final email is triggered to be sent to the applicant. 

NOTE: Many of the fields can be renamed for display on the Main page of the requisition. So if the name below does not match the name on the Main page of the requisition, go to Admin > Page Builder > Requisition > Miscellaneous or Admin > System Setup (for Organizational titles) to look up the name that is being used in the system for the screen caption to ensure the proper field is merged to the email.

Field  Description
Name  This is the name of the email.  This is not editable.
Subject  This is the subject line of the email which the user will see.
Text/Merge Fields This is the body of the email.  Merge fields show in curly brackets { } will pull information from Cyber Recruiter to post into the email. 

Merge fields can be added to the emails to make them custom to the user who will receive it.  To add a merge field, place the cursor on the page where the merge field should appear.  Then, go to the "Fields" drop-down box and find the field to add and press the "Add" button. 

Available Merge fields include:

Field  Merges ... Information 
Applicant Date Date the appliant was added into the system.  Saved to the Status/History page.
Applicant Number Automatically assigned number for the applicant.  Can be used as the Self Service login.
Applicant First Name "First Name" saved to the Demographics page.
Applicant Last Name  "Last Name" saved to the Demographics page.
Applicant in Last Name, First Name format Name in the specified order.
Applicant in First Name Last Name format  Name in the specified order.
Applicant Street Address "Street 1" and "Street 2" saved to the Demographics page. 
Applicant City, State/Province, Zip/Postal "City", "State/Provence" and "Zip/Postal Code" saved to the Demographics page.
Applicant Country     "Country" saved to the Demographics page.
Applicant Home Phone "Home Phone" saved to the Demographics page.
Applicant Work Phone "Work Phone" saved to the Demographics page.
Applicant Ext (for Work Phone) "Ext" saved to the Demographics page.
Applicant Cell Phone "Cell Phone" saved to the Demographics page.
Applicant Fax "Fax" saved to the Demographics page.
Applicant Email Address  "Home Email" saved to the Demographics page.  This can be used for the Self Service login.
Applicant Resume     Text version of the Resume typed in or parsed during the creation process.  Saved to the Demographics page and to the Resume page.
Overall Status     "Overall Status" saved to the Status/History page.
Status Date "Status Date" saved to the Status/History page.
Position Desired "Position Desired" saved to the Application page.
Referral Source "Referral Source" saved to the Application page.
Self Service Login "Self Service Login" field on the Application page. This will not be the actual login for the self service module if the "Custom Login" option is not being used.
Self Service Password Applicant's password stored on the Application page.
Requisition Description "Job Title" connected to the requisition specified on the applicant creation page.
Requisition Code "Code" connected to the requisition specified on the applicant creation page.
Manager of Requisition (Full Name) "Manager" connected to the requisition specified on the applicant creation page.
Manager of Requisition (User ID) User ID for the Manager connected to the requisition specified on the applicant creation page.
Recruiter of Requisition (Full Name) "Recruiter" connected to the requisition specified on the applicant creation page.
Recruiter of Requisiton (User ID) User ID for the Recruiter connected to the requisition specified on the applicant creation page.
Requisition Job Description "Job Description" (tab 1 of the Job Description page) connected to the requisition specified on the applicant creation page.
Requisition Requirements "Requirements" (tab 2 of the Job Description page) connected to the requisition specified on the applicant creation page.
Requisition Public Job Description "Public Job Description" (tab 3 of the Job Description page) connected to the requisition specified on the applicant creation page.
Requisition Other Description "Other Description" (tab 4 of the Job Description page) connected to the requisition specified on the applicant creation page.
Requisition Organizational Level (1-5) "Organizational Level" (1-5) field description connected to the requisition specified on the applicant creation page.
Requisition Miscellaneous (1-20) Field description from the specified field connected to the requisition specified on the applicant creation page.
Date Changed Automatically fills in the current date in a mm/dd/yyyy format.
Time Changed Automatically fills in the time of the addition of the record.
Changed By Automatically fills in the name of the person who added the record.
Company Name Automatically fills in the name of the company as defined on the Admin > System Setup page.
Signature Pulls the signature block for the user sending this email from the tab stored under My Preferences.
Link to Self Service Login This is a mail merge field which creates a hyperlink to the Self Service login page.  The field has two parts to the merge field. "SSLink" is the programming that goes to the self service page, overwrite the text "Enter Caption Here" with what should be shown in the email as the hyperlink to click. 
Print Requisition Hyperlink to print all of the details related to this requisition. Format and information contained in the report is defined under Admin > Page Builder > Requisition > Print Req Form
Print Application Hyperlink to print all of the details related to this applicant. If parsing information from the resume, this gives the applicant a view of what you now have on file so they can review it and make changes via the Self Service module.

See also