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Other-Login History

Purpose: Use this source to gain insight into who is logging into the system.


Field Name  Purpose 
Admin "Y" or "N" depending on if the user is marked as an administrator. 
Disabled "Y" or "N" depending on if the user account is disabled.
Email Email address of the user logging into the system. 
ForceChange "Y" or "N" depending on if the user account is marked to force a password change. 
HiringManager "Y" or "N" depending on if the user is marked as a hiring manager. 
Initials Initials of the user based on the user account.
LoginDate Date the user logged into the system.
LoginGroup Group connected to the user account.
LoginTime Time the user logged into the system
PwdChangeDate Date of the last password chnage.
PwdChangeTime Time of the last password change. 
Recruiter "Y" or "N" depending on if the user is marked as an recruiter. 
Success "Y" or "N" depending on if the access was successful.
UserName User Name of the person logging into the system.