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Can I Embed Pixels on the Careers Site



When you create a pixel tracker by adding a segment where the "Thank you for your submission" is located as long as there are "<div></div> tags under that verbiage.The installation will only be successful if the company issuing the tracker is able to locate the Thank you for your submission text on the URL and place the code immediately beneath it. The code itself will be basically the same, but each client will have their own unique numbers for conversion.


For example:

<img height=1 width=1 border=0 src="//">

Enter the html provided, using the html (not design) view of the Thank You section of the Online application (Admin > Website > Career Portal > Online Application Tab > Edit the Thank You page).

Next enter the same information on the returning applicant acknowledgement page: (Admin > Website > Career Portal > Self Service > Main Page (click pencil icon) > Browse Open Jobs (scroll to bottom of page) > Send the applicant and acknowledgement email (click pencil icon) >click HTML tab.

See also