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Data Source Listing

Data Sources are the starting point of any report.  These sources are NOT individual SQL tables.  They are views within the SQL database which have been custom formatted to allow for simplicity of linking between tables as well as reporting on items which are not already in the table.  Often only one source is needed, even though it is pulling from more than one screen in the system. 

These data sources will provide information for the vast majority of reports.

Applicant views will only include applicants in the report that have records in the related table.  For example, Education will only list applicants who have education records.

Requisition views will only include requisitions in the report that have records in the related table.  For example, Req Notes will only list requisition where there are notes added to the requisition page.

Applicant Specific Views

Views are shown in the order they appear in the Applicant Profile



Source Name When to Use: Information from which Screen/Area 
All Applicants and Connected Reqs
For reports where you want to include all applicants and attached requisition information if any.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume.  If a requisition is attached, then it will also include Activity > Reqs, Req Main, Req Job Description.  If a requisition is not attached the column will be blank.
Applicants and Connected Reqs
For reports where you want to include only applicants with attached requisition information.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, Activity > Reqs, Req Main, Req Job Description 
NOTE: This data source assumes there is a record on the Activity > Reqs tab.
For reporting an applicant's routings, including req information
Main, Job Description and Applicant Activity > Routing
For reporting an applicant's invitations for interviews, including information about the requisition.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Activity >Invites
Interview Evaluations
For reporting an applicant's invitations for interviews, including req information and the evaluation questions.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Activity >Invites > Evaluations
For reporting applicants with offers and the offer information.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Activity >Offers
Offer Questions
For reporting applicants with offers including the offer questions/answers and the related requisitions.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Activity >Offers > Questions and Req>Main
Offer Approvals
For reporting applicants with offers and the approval information if any.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Activity >Offers > Approvals
Skills For reporting applicants with skills.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Experience/Skills
Education For reports requiring an applicant's educational information.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume and Education
Previous Employment For reporting applicants with their previous employment records.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Experience/Employment
Military History For reporting applicants with their military history.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Experience/Military History
Security Clearance For reporting an applicant's security clearance information.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Experience/Security Clearance
Application Questions For reporting applicants with their application questions. This report can include all applicants regardless of whether or not they have answered any questions.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Application
Applicant Req Questions and Answers For reporting applicants with their requisition questions and answers.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, Requisitions and the subsequent questions and answers.
Applicant History For applicant reports that include the dates and other specifics of changes to an applicant's status.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Status/History
Correspondence For reporting the correspondence types and dates sent to applicant.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Correspondence
Attachments For reporting an applicant's attachment types and dates of attachment.   Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Attachments
Applicant Notes For reporting notes, type and date attached to an applicant's record. (Note this view will only show applicants that have notes other than routing, interview and offer notes in their records.)
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Notes
Applicant Main
For reports requiring current basic applicant information on any/all applicants. Applicant Demographics, Status, and Resume
Applicant Tasks For reports requiring information on tasks Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and tasks
For reporting listed applicant references. It does not include the questions.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and References
Reference Questions
For reporting how references answered reference questions about the applicant. This report can include all references regardless of answers.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and References > Questions
Resume History
For reporting applicants' resume history. Note: this includes only applicant's with resume history, not those with just a current resume.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Resume History
Employee Referral
For reporting employees (hired applicants) who have referred other applicants and bonus information if any.
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Employee Referral page

Inbox view
Applicant Rankings For reporting how users have ranked applicants from within their Inbox view. Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume and the User Rankings assigned
Job Notifications
Use this view to create a report which will display which applicants have alerts set up. All alerts will show, but the filter can be used to narrow down the list to just active alerts based on the DateAdded and the current 'expire' options set up in the configuration. The view will display the applicant's name, date the alert was added (DateAdded), which type ( structure, misc, field, etc.) (NotifType) and value the applicant was interested in (NotifValue).
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Job Alerts which are monitored
Job Notifications Sent
Use this view to create a report to see which applicants have received alerts. The view which will display the applicant's name, which type (org structure, misc, field, etc.) (NotifType), value the applicant was interested in (NotifValue) as well as the email itself (EmailSubject and EmailText).
Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, Job Alert definition, and email details.


Applicant Integration Views

Use these sources to pull information from the system related to other products which are integrated with Cyber Recruiter.

Source Name When to Use: Information from which Screen/Area 
HRIS Integration...ADP For reports requiring an applicant's ADP information.   Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and ADP
HRIS Integration...Deltek Costpoint 
For reports requiring an applicant's Costpoint information. Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Costpoint
HRIS Integration...Deltek GCS
For reports requiring an applicant's Deltek GCS Premier information. Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and GCS Premier
HRIS Integration...Microsoft Dynamics GP 
For reports requiring an applicant's Great Plains information. Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Great Plains
HRIS Integration...HR Office
For reports requiring an applicant's HR Office information. Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and HROffice
HRIS Integration...HR-XML
For reports requiring an applicant's HRXML information. Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and HRXML
HRIS Integration...Deltek Vision
For reports requiring an applicant's Deltek Vision information. Applicant Demographics, Status, Resume, and Visions

Requisition Specific Views

Views are shown in the order they appear in the Requisition  Profile



Source Name When to Use: Information from which Screen/Area 
Requisition Main
For reporting basic requisition information.
Main and Job Description
All Reqs and Connected Applicants
For reports where you want to include all requisitions and attached applicant information if any.
Req Main, Req Job Description.  If an applicant is attached, then it will also include Activity > Reqs, Applicant Demographics, Status, and Resume
Req Approval For reporting on requisition approvals. Main, Job Description, and Approvals
Req History
For reporting requisition history.
Main, Job Description and History
Req Notes
For reporting on notes attached to requisitions.
Main, Job Description and Notes
Req Skill Requirements
For reporting on requisition skill requirements.
Main, Job Description and Requirements
Req Education Requirements
For reporting on requisition education requirements.
Main, Job Description and Requirements
Req Costs For reporting cost associated to requisitions.
Main, Job Description and Costs
Req Attachments For reporting on requisition attachments. Main, Job Description and Attachments
Reqs from Agencies For reporting on which requisitions are assigned to Agencies Main, Job Description and Agencies

Requisition Integration Views

Use these sources to pull information from the system related to job board posting.

Source Name When to Use: Information from which Screen/Area 
Reqs Posted to CareerBuilder For reporting requisitions posted to Career Builder. Main, Job Description and CareerBuilder
Reqs Posted to Dice For reporting requisitions posted to Dice. Main, Job Description and Dice
Reqs Posted to Monster For reporting requisitions posted to Monster. Main, Job Description and Monster

Administrative Views

Source Name When to Use: Information from which Screen/Area 
Agencies For reporting on the agencies which are currently being used.
Admin > Website > Agency Portal > Agencies
Agency Users
For reporting on the individual agents at an agency.
Admin > Website > Agency Portal > Agencies > User Page
Code Tables For reporting codes, descriptions and the tables to which they apply.   Admin > Codes
Deleted Applicants For reporting a list of deleted applicants and deletion information Stores all the applicants who have been manually removed from the system
Deleted Requisitions
For reporting a list of deleted requisitions and deletion information.
Stores all the requisition which have been manually removed from the system
Email Log For reporting the email log records. Admin > Logs > Email Log
Error Log For reporting the error log records. Admin > Logs > Error Log
Logins For reporting on the user security. Admin > Security > Users  
Login History For reporting user login history. Admin > Security > Login History
Search Log For reporting search log history. Admin > Logs > Search Log

See also

For reporting a list of deleted applicants and deletion information.