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Pay Employee Referral Bonus

Page Location: Applicant File > Employee Referred

If the applicant is an employee referral, the applicant will have an additional page to track the details. 

Bonus Details

Field  Notes 
Bonus Date This field can be used two ways
(1) Track a date the bonus will be paid out (select the Paid status of 'Pending' in this situation)
(2) Enter the last date a bonus was paid out.
Bonus Amount This field can be used two ways
(1) Enter the current bonus amount due (select the Paid status of 'Pending' in this situation).
(2) Enter the total amount of bonuses paid out.
Paid Select either 'Pending', 'No' or 'Yes' based on the current status of the payment. 

Selecting 'Pending' will trigger a task item on the Home page of any user who can see this page. 
Note Use this space to provide additional details regarding the payment.

If the bonus amount is paid out in increments, put details in the notes page as to the payment history of the bonuses.

Referral Details

Field  Notes 
Referred By Displays the name(s) of employees who have referred this applicant.  Since the field can be manually changed via the Application page, this column could have different employees listed.
Assign Date Displays the date the applicant was connected to the requisition. 
Req Displays the requisition for which the applicant was referred

See also