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Message Center

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The center section of the Home page is designed to track open items which need an action to occur in order for the recruiting process to move forward.  The goal of this page is to keep it clean and free of items.

The top of the page contains a message which is controlled by the Administrator of your system.  It could be blank or it could be a message providing you with important information regarding the Home page or the usage of the system.

Under the message is a tree structure of outstanding items.  If there are no items at all this section will be blank.  If there are no items in a specific topic then the topic will not show.

The following sections could be listed on your home page. Sections can be expanded by clicking on the + button next to the heading.  The message which appears is the same as the email which can be send out via email with the exception of the "Upcoming Employee Referral Bonuses" which does not have an email counterpart.

Section Name  Purpose  Options
Requisitions Requiring Your Attention You are an approver for this requisition.
The process CANNOT automatically move forward without your input.
Click on the link to review and respond
Routing Requiring Your Attention You have been sent an Applicant to review.
To remove this message from your home page you MUST respond.
Click on the link to review and respond
Interviews Requiring Your Acceptance You have been request as part of the interview process.  If you respond, a reminder call "Upcoming Interviews" will appear. Click on the link to review and respond
Upcoming Interviews If you confirmed you will attend an interview, this section will appear on your list until the interview date is past. Click on the link to review details
Incomplete Interview Evaluations If you confirmed you will attend an interivew, this quick list is available to complete the evaluation form.  It will remain until all required questions are answered. Click on the link to review and respond
Offers Requiring Your Approval You are an approver for this offer.
The process CANNOT automatically move forward without your input.
Click on the link to review and respond
Upcoming Employee Referral Bonuses This Applicant was hired from an employee referral and his/her record was marked as "Pending" a bonus payout. Click on the link to review and update
Outstanding Items on Your To-Do list An item (manually or via a Note) was added to your To-Do list which is still outstanding and has a  due date of the current date or a date in the past. Click on the link to review and update

See also