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Create and Extend a Formal Offer

The following step will help you extend a formal offer and create an offer letter


  1. Go to the Applicant File
  2. Go to Activity Page > Offers Tab and click ‘Change’ in the Offer Letter column.
  3. Select a Letter template that says (Start from the Offer Page) from the drop-down list or select your custom Offer Letter
  4. Review and update the letter as needed and save the changes
  5. Click the Email link at bottom left of the screen
  6. Select an Email Template that says (start from Offer Tab) from the Drop-Down List and Preview the email
  7. From the Email Preview page you can click Preview Letter to do a final review or if you wish to print and mail a hard copy of the letter
  8. Check the box to ‘Copy Me’ if you want to be cc’d on the email
  9. Highlight or select  Other Attachments(such as background check forms) as needed
  10. Set margin defaults if needed (this changes the margins in the letter being sent)
  11. Click Send Button


Once the letter is sent:

  1. Click on the Activity Page > Assigned Reqs Tab
  2. Click the Applicant Status for the Requisition in progress and select 5c-Offer Extended
  3. Click the Save Changes Button

See also