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How do I set up Job Target

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Step 1: Review your system to make sure you have the optimal setup for Job Target.

  1. Make sure your job codes do not have any semi-colons or spaces.  If it does...
    1. Update the requisition code creation to remove the semi-colon from the auto-assigned code. 
    2. If the code creation is leveraging a misc field, organizational code, etc. also make sure that the codes being used do not create space.  This could mean inactivating some codes and adding in new codes for usage.
    3. Using the Req List, update any active jobs to change the code to adhere to the necessary format.
  2. Review your jobs to identify location fields. 
    1. If you are in only one location, you can set up a default location for the system which can be used to post City, State, Country and Zip Code. 
    2. If you are in multiple locations you will need separate fields in the requisition to identify the City, State, Country and Zip Code.  If these are already part of the requisition, as separate fields, those fields can be used in the mapping.  If the values are currently combined (for example, one field that says "Denver, Colorado"), we recommend activating the location fields in the requisition and using these going forward.  

Step 2 Contact our support team to assist with the setup in Cyber Recruiter.  This Help Central page (Job Target) will walk you through the changes needed in the system.  Involve our team so that as you prepare to use this feature we can work with the team at Job Target to alert them that jobs will soon be coming from your Cyber Recruiter system. 


All jobs will post to Job Target under the name connected to your system (go to Admin > System Setup to verify this name).  If your Cyber Recruiter system is being used to track jobs across multiple companies, Job Target can set up your account with 'Divisions' which allow the postings to appear under different company names. 


All jobs coming from the job boards will be tagged with a source. This will be different than the referral source the applicant can select during the application process.  The Thank You page will have an App Conversion Tracker to track that applicants came from the Job Target feed and completed the application process.  Statistics on conversion will be see in the Job Target tool. 


Step 3: Post Jobs with Job Target.  For more information, check out this Help Central Page: Posting to JobTarget