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Importing Applicants

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Page Location: Admin > Processes > Import Applicants

The Import Applicant menu item of Admin > Processes allows the ability to import an Excel spreadsheet of Applicant data into the main Applicant table (Applicant). Generally the process  is used if the list of applicants is more than 50 OR the data is already in a format which can easily be exported so the data can remain consistent (meaning, less change of a data entry error). This process is not a required process when setting up Cyber Recruiter, but is available to help speed up data entry.  If this process is not used, the applicants can be manually entered via the Applicants > Add Applicant page.

Developing the Spreadsheet

Information can be added via the process or updated if key fields match an existing record already in place.  The spreadsheet file can be saved to the computer under any title but the worksheet where the information is listed in the spreadsheet needs to be default name, Sheet1. This name must be typed exactly as shown where the S is capitalize and there is no space between the t and 1.  In addition, the file MUST be saved in an .xls format.  .XLSX will generate an error and the file will NOT be imported.

Sample of how the Import Applicant information should look.

1 Last Name  First Name  Email Address  Application Date  Overall Status  Referral Source 
Smith John 10/01/2006  WEB EMPREF
Johnson Will 09/10/2007 HIRED MONSTER
Jones Brian 07/06/1999  WEB  
Adams Sue 10/01/2006  NEW INDEED
Doe Jane 09/30/2002  WEB MONSTER
Smith Nicole 08/06/2007  NEW   

Use the COLUMNS to hold the type of necessary information and the ROWS to hold the all the same Applicant information for each Applicant and/or Employee.

Field / Code Mapping

The list below is displayed in alphabetical order which is the same way it will appear in the data mapping page in Cyber Recruiter.  However, the spreadsheet can have any of these columns in the spreadsheet and don't necessarily have to be in the order listed below.

When developing the spreadsheet it is important to know that certain fields are hard-coded to only recognize certain values.  The list below defines the fields and, if noted, the values which should be used in the spreadsheet as defaults. Use the details below for additional clarification.

Last Name, First Name, Application Date and Status MUST be included in the file.  The system will reject incomplete spreadsheets.

Field  Add Data to ... Notes
Sage HRMS Company     Hidden field stored in the system.
Used for the duplicate check when "Sage HRMS Empno/Company" is selected as the Unique Identifier.
NOTE: This field does not show if the the Sage Integration is disabled AND/OR the user does not have access to the integration.
Sage HRMS Employee # Hidden field stored in the system.
Used for the duplicate check when "Sage HRMS Empno/Company" is selected as the Unique Identifier.
NOTE: This field does not show if the the Sage Integration is disabled AND/OR the user does not have access to the integration.
Agreement Date     "Sign Date" on the Application page.
Agreement Signed (Y/N) "Signed Application Agreement" on the Application page. Value should be Y or N
Agreement Signature "Signature" on the Application page.
Application Date "Application Date" on the Status/History page.
Used for Finding Applicants
Birth Date "Birth Date" on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Cell Phone "Cell Phone" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Cover Letter Text added to the "Cover Letter" tab of the Resume page.
Deltek Employee # Hidden field stored in the system.
Used for the duplicate check when "Deltek Employee ID" is selected as the Unique Identifier.
Desired Salary "Desired Salary" on the Application page.
Disabled Veteran (Y/N) "Disabled Veteran" on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Email Address "Home Email" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Referral Name "Source Details" on the Application page.
Ethnic Origin "Race" on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Fax "Fax" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
First Name "First Name" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Used for Finding Applicants
Gender (M/F) "Gender" on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Individual with Disability (Y/N) "Individual with Disabilities" on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Hispanic (Y/N) "Hispanic/Latino" on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Home City "City" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Home Country     "Country" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Home Phone "Home Phone" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Home State "State/Province" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Home Address Line 1 "Street 1" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Home Address Line 2 "Street 2" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Last Name "Last Name" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Used for Finding Applicants
Previous Name "Previous Name" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Marital Status "Marital Status" on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran (Y/N) "Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran" on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Middle Name     "Middle Name" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Misc (1-20)     Miscellaneous fields on the Miscellaneous page.
Nickname "Nickname" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Other Protected Vet (Y/N) "Other Protected Vet" on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Password Upload a pre-set password for use in the Self Service module.  Accessible via the "Reset Password" link on the Application page.
Position Desired "Position Desired" on the Application page.
Primary Email "Primary Email" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
W=Work, H=Home
Determines which email is used for communication and determines which email address is used for login to the Self Service module if 'Email' is selected as the login field.
Primary Phone "Primary Phone" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
W=Work, H=Home, C=Cell
Determines which phone number will show on the summary views.
Referral Source "Referral Source" on the Application page.
Resume Text added to the "Resume" tab of the Resume page and the Demographics page.
Show SS Wizard (Y/N) "Self Service View" on the Application page. Y=Wizard, N=Normal
Self Service Login "Self Service Login" on the Application page. This field MUST match the ESS user ID to establish connectivity between Cyber Recruiter and ESS for employees.
SSN "SSN/SIN" on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Status "Overall Status" on the Status/History page
Used for Finding Applicants
Status Date "Status Date" on the Status/History page
Recently Separated Veteran (Y/N) "Recently Separated Veteran" on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Vietnam Era Veteran (Y/N)  "Vietnam Era Veteran" on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Work Email Address "Work Email" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Work Extension "Extension" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.
Work Phone "Work Phone" on the Demographics tab of the Demographics page.

• Last Name, First Name, and Email Address are open text fields in Cyber Recruiter. Thus, anything can be listed here and that makes sense because Applicant names and email addresses are so different and unique.

• Application Date field is a date field and the format is MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY (Cyber Recruiter can convert a two-digit year to the four-digit as long as it is ‘19’ or ‘20’). It cannot hold a time stamp with it. If when exporting Applicants from a current system into a spreadsheet, a time stamp is placed on it, that will need to be removed.

• Overall Status and Referral Source are code tables in Cyber Recruiter. Therefore, the information in these columns needs to match the code NOT the description in the code tables. Example, EMPREF is the code for Employee Referral. That is needed in this column and it is necessary for the code to be capitalized because all codes are capitalized in Cyber Recruiter. Again, if when exporting Applicants from a current system into spreadsheet and information says ‘Employee Referral’ in this column, just do an Edit > Replace All to EMPREF. Review the code tables to see how the codes are listed for fields that are code tables.

IMPORTANT NOTES: When modifying a spreadsheet, be sure to delete ROWS that are not needed instead of doing Edit – Clear Contents. The import will recognize those blank ROWS as blank Applicant information and create a record for it. Additionally if the Application Date is not included or the information in the field is not in date form the default date will look blank but will equal is 1/1/1900 so that the Applicant can be found in an Applicant Search when Date Range equals ‘Forever’.

Importing the Fields

Use the field lists on the left hand side to Add >> the fields to the right hand side that are in the spreadsheet created to import the Applicants. Be sure the fields are listed on the right hand side in the same order the COLUMNS in the spreadsheet are listed use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to rearrange the fields as necessary. If one too many fields are listed on the right hand side use the << Remove button to take the field off. Note that there are four (4) required fields to do the import as well. Once all the fields are selected on the right hand side and they match the order of the fields on the spreadsheet choose a Duplicate check method and click the >> Continue button.

The columns in the spreadsheet MUST  match the right-hand column of the mapping tool.  If they the number of columns does not match the program will generate a user error.

Unique Identifier:  This drop-down option allows the user to check the spreadsheet for duplicates against the existing system. The field indicated MUST be included in the import spreadsheet for verification.  If a matching record is found, the existing record in Cyber Recruiter will be updated.

It is recommended that if an employee file needs to be updated that the "Sage HRMS Empno / Company" or "Deltek Employee ID" or "Work Email" be used as the unique identifier.

Option Reference 
Sage HRMS Empno / Company Uses the "Sage HRMS Company" and "Sage HRMS Employee #" fields.  Both fields must match for the update to occur.
Deltek Employee ID Uses the "Deltek Employee #" field. 
First Name, Last Name Uses the "First Name" and "Last Name".  Both fields must match for the update to occur.
Home Email Uses the "Home Email" address.
Work Email Uses the "Work Email" address.

Press the CONTINUE button to upload the file for processing.

Press the red icon with an X to stop this process and return to the previous page.  Otherwise, click the Select button to locate the file on the server or individual computer.  Press IMPORT to bring the file into the system.

The file will be checked for matching columns lengths and naming.  It is NOT checked for accuracy or to make sure that the columns are in the correct order.

Once the file has been processed, a summary page will appear noting how many records were added and how many were updated. If any errors are found they will be noted for review.

See also