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Search Options

Applicants > Search Applicants


Building a Search


Select Add new record on the top of the summary table of all existing searches to get started.  If a search is already created and just needs to be modified, click the edit icon to access the details. 


The top part of the criteria page is for informational purposes only.  The user can change the description to provide updated details of the search and/or allow it to be shared.  The "Save Changes" button relates ONLY to those two options.


Add Search Criteria by clicking on the 'Add New Record' link. Each criteria added eliminates more applicants from appearing on the search results page.  Options available for searching are controlled by Group Security.  If, for example, a user is assigned to a group which cannot see EEO information, the option for "Ethnic Origin is..." is not listed as a possible search option. 


Optional Criteria Meaning/ Pulls From 
Applied within Date Range

References the Application Date stored on the Status/History page. 
Provides the user with the standard ranges (last month, last year, etc.).

Applied between the dates...

References the Application Date stored on the Status/History page.
Allows the user to enter in two dates (3/1/2011 and 3/30/2011).

Logged into Self Service between the dates...

References Last Login field on the Application page.
Allows the user to enter in two dates (3/1/2011 and 3/30/2011).

Attached to a new req within the range...

References the Assigned Date connect to a requisition an viewed on the Activity page.
Provides the user with the standard ranges (last month, last year, etc.).

Attached to a new req between the dates...

References the Assigned Date connect to a requisition an viewed on the Activity page.
Provides the user with the standard ranges (last month, last year, etc.).

Attached to requisition...

Allows the user to select from the list of requisitions in the system. 

Referral Source is...

References the Referral Source stored on the Application page (Overall Referral Source).
Allows for the user to select multiple sources if desired. 

Position Referral Source is...

References the Referral Source stored on the within the detail for the position (viewable via the Applicants page of the Requisition or the Activity page of the Applicant).
Allows for the user to select multiple sources if desired.
Will return any applicant with this source selected on any of the jobs for which the applicant has applied.

Answered an Application Question a certain way...

References the custom Application Questions stored on the Application page.
Selecting this option will prompt the user to select the specific questions and then enter in the value or pick it from a list (depending on the answer type).

Answered a Requisition Question a certain way...

References the Requisition Questions stored on the Application page.
Selecting this option will prompt the user to select the specific questions and then enter in the value or pick it from a list (depending on the answer type).

Has an Interview Eval question answered a certain way...

References the Interview Evaluation Questions stored on the Activity page.
Selecting this option will prompt the user to select the specific questions and then enter in the value or pick it from a list (depending on the answer type).

Has an applicant note that contains...

References the notes stored in the Notes page.
Selecting this option provides the user with a fill-in-the-blank field in which to type in the key word which should be contained in the note.

Position Desired is...

References the Position Desired stored on the Application page.
Allows for the user to select multiple values if desired.

Overall Status is...

References the Overall Status stored on the Status/History page.
Allows for the user to select multiple values if desired.

Employee Referral is...

References the Source Details field of the Application page.
Selecting this option provides the user with a fill-in-the-blank field in which to type in the word(s) for comparison.

Ethnic Origin is...

References the Ethnic Origin stored on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Allows for the user to select multiple values if desired.

Gender is...

References the Gender field stored on the EEO tab of the Demographics page.
Allows for the user to select multiple values if desired.

Email Address is...

References the Source Details field of the Application page.
Selecting this option provides the user with a fill-in-the-blank field in which to type in the word(s) for comparison.

First Name is...

References the First Name field of the Demographics page.
Selecting this option provides the user with a fill-in-the-blank field in which to type in the word(s) for comparison.

Last Name is...

References the Last Name field of the Demographics page.
Selecting this option provides the user with a fill-in-the-blank field in which to type in the word(s) for comparison.

Home City is...

References the Home City field of the Demographics page.
Selecting this option provides the user with a fill-in-the-blank field in which to type in the word(s) for comparison.

Home State/Province is...

References the State/Provide field of the Demographics page.
Allows for the user to select multiple values if desired.

Home Zip/Postal Code is...

References the Zip/Postal Code field of the Demographics page.
Selecting this option provides the user with a fill-in-the-blank field in which to type in the word(s) for comparison.

Home Country is..

References the Country field of the Demographics page.

Allows the user to select one value from a preset list.

Has Misc (1-20) of...

References each of the 20 miscellaneous fields.
If the miscellaneous field is a type-in field, then selecting the field provides the user with a fill-in-the-blank field in which to type in the word(s) for comparison.
If the miscellaneous field is a code-driven field, then it allows for the user to select multiple values if desired.

Has the Degree(s) of...

References the Degree field of the education record stored on the Experience page.
Allows for the user to select multiple values if desired.
Allows for "ALL" or "ANY" filter options.

Has the Major(s) of...

References the Major field of the education record stored on the Experience page.
Allows for the user to select multiple values if desired.
Allows for "ALL" or "ANY" filter options.

Has Previous Employment 'Responsibility' of...

References the Responsibility field stored in the employment record on the Experience page.
Selecting this option provides the user with a fill-in-the-blank field in which to type in the key word which should be contained in the field.

Has the Skill(s) of...

References the Skills field stored on the Experience page.
Allows for "ALL" or "ANY" filter options.

Has the Skills Category of...

References the Skills field of the Experience page and allows the user to search for groups of those skills if categories are assigned.  

Allows for the user to select multiple values if desired.

Has the Security Clearance(s)...

References the Security Clearance Type stored on the Experience page.
Allows the user to select multiple values if desired.
Allows for "ALL" or "ANY" filter options.

Status on Requisition is... 

References the Status of the applicant on a requisition stored on the Assigned Requisitions page.
Allows for the user to select multiple values if desired.

Applicants are in my Inbox

References the user logged in and which applicants have been flagged to be in the Inbox view.

Has the Military Branch...

References the Branch stored in military history record of the Experience page.
Selecting this option provides the user with a fill-in-the-blank field in which to type in the word for comparison.

Has the Military Rank...

References the Rank stored in military history record of the Experience page.
Selecting this option provides the user with a fill-in-the-blank field in which to type in the word for comparison.

Has Resume Text...

Only select this option once in the search criteria builder.  Enter each word which should be part of the search in the text box provided.  Include each word in double quotes (") and not single quotes and separate the words with 'and' or 'or' based on what should be included or excluded. 

"java" and "C#" or "html" 


To search on a portion of a word, use the * key. For example, searching on "script*" will return all words in the resume with that word as the start of the word.

Statements containing apostrophes will not find the specific word (don't or can't, etc.) but will not cause an error in the search. Parenthesis can be used but are not needed. Items are used as a filter in the order they are used/found in the resume.


Enter key words into the Highlight boxes to color code the key words on the resume.  On the search results page, the items in this section will appear in the text version of the reason in different colors.


The ranking of the applicant based on the resume key words is an optional column which can display in the search results page.  If this column is being used the sort order selected as a default (Last Name, Application Date or Last Assign Date) is ignored. Additionally, there will ONLY be a value in this column IF the option to search the resume is selected.

Has no requisitions attached

Selecting this option will eliminate any applicant who HAS a requisition listed on the Activity page.

Is attached to at least one requisition

Selecting this option will eliminate any applicant who DOES NOT have a requisition listed on the Activity page.

Was routed to...

References back to the Routing page and allows the user to select a user who was used in the routing process.
Allows for multiple values is desired.
Allows for "ALL" or "ANY" filter options.

Was interviewed by...

References back to the Interview page and allows the user to select a user who was used in the interview process.
Allows for multiple values is desired.
Allows for "ALL" or "ANY" filter options.

Had offer approvals send to...

References back to the Offer page and allows the user to select a user who was used in the offer approval process.
Allows for multiple values is desired. 
Allows for "ALL" or "ANY" filter options.

Has no references...

Selecting this option will eliminate any applicant who DOES NOT have any references listed on the Reference page.

Has the ranking of...

References back to the User Rankings - assigned in the routing email or via the Inbox view.  If ANY user has assigned a ranking selected, the applicant will appear on the list.
Allows for multiple values is desired.

Zip Code Radius of...

Searches the zip codes of the applicants based on the radius assigned to a requisition or a manual entry.


Step 1) Select the Value.  Select either 'Manual' and put in a zip code or 'Requisition Zip Code' and select the requisition. 

Step 2) Select the Distance.  Options include the same zip code, 1, 5, 10 or 25

Step 3) Select the Metric.  Options include miles or kilometers.


Select this option and enter in a command needed to filter by an option not already on the list. (This will require some knowledge of SQL commands and how to reference database fields. Contact Tech Support with questions or for specific criteria.) 


If you are using a statement which will be used again, check the box to include it in the 'Saved Criteria' list.

Saved Criteria

This is an extension of the Custom option. If a Custom criteria is saved by checking the box indicated and giving it a name when it is created, then it will be available to be used in future searches by clicking on the Saved Criteria option. Once it is added to a new search, it can be edited to change the values if necessary. To manage your Saved Criteria, mark them to be shared with other users, or delete them if necessary use the link "Manage Custom Criteria" found above the Applicant Search summary table.


Examples of Custom Searches


When building a custom search, the first thing to remember is that the search will ALWAYS start with the Applicant table.  Then, use the following rules to build out searches in additional tables/areas of the product.


  1. Research Your System
    1. Print the Data Dictionary.  This report gives you all the table names and the field name.  You will need this!
    2. Look at 'System Setup' to understand your organizational levels.
    3. Look at 'Miscellaneous' under Page Builder for both Applicant and Requisitions to understand your miscellaneous fields.
    4. Look at 'Codes' to understand which codes are connected to the descriptions you see on the screen. 
  2. Rules to Follow
    1. Every table can be given an alias when creating a search.  The alias for Applicant is 'a'.  To add aliases to the search, put the table name first and then the alias to use (AppReq ar).  You'll see examples of this below.
    2. If the field you wish to search is in the Applicant table, just list the field you are looking for an what criteria you want to use as a filter.
    3. If the field you wish to search is in another Applicant table, link to that table.
    4. If the field you wish to search is a Requisition table (meaning you have to go to the requisition to find it) you need to look up the requisition as part of the search. 

 Examples of Searches in the Main Applicant Table
Search the Cover Letter  Looks for two different words.  Replace the words between %.  (a.coverletter like ‘%Manager%’ or a.coverletter like ‘%Supervisor%’)
Looks for all words. Replace the words between %.   a.coverletter like ‘%Manager%’ and a.coverletter like ‘%VA%’
Looks for any word.  Replace the words between %.  (a.coverletter like ‘%Manager%’ or a.coverletter like ‘%Supervisor%’)
Search the Applicant File
Looks for multiple home cities. Replace the cities between the quotes. More can be added; separate with commas  a.homecity in('City1', 'City2', 'City3')
Looks for email addresses to be complete is not null and email <> ''
Examples of Searches in Other Applicant Tables
Search Job Alerts Looks for active Job Alert requests.  Replace the number to match the setup for when your alerts expire.  (select count(*) from ApplicantNotif an where an.applnum=a.applnum and an.dateadded >= DATEADD(day,-90,getdate()))>0
Search Attachments Looks for attachments matching a specific attachment type.  Replace 'XXXX' with which ever attachment type should be searched. (select count(*) from appforms where appforms.applnum=a.applnum and isnull(appforms.formtype,'')='XXXX')>0
Search Previous Employment Looks for the previous employment record to have a specific Employer listed. Replace the words between %.  (select count(*) from prevemp where prevemp.applnum=a.applnum and e.employer like '%EMPLOYER%')>0
Looks for the previous employment record to have a specific Employer listed is one of the items listed. Replace the words between %. 
(select count(*) from prevemp where prevemp.applnum=a.applnum and (e.employer like '%EMPLOYER1%' or like '%EMPLOYER2%'))>0
Search Education Looks for the education record to have a specific School listed. Replace the words between %. 
(select count(*) from education where education.applnum=a.applnum and like '%SCHOOL%')>0
Looks for the education record to have a specific School listed is one of the items listed. Replace the words between %. 
(select count(*) from education  where education.applnum=a.applnum and ( like '%SCHOOL1%' or like '%SCHOOL2%'))>0
Examples of Searches based on Requisition Components 
Search for based on aspects of the Requisition
Looks to the requisition and matches the Functional Title to what is listed.  Replace 'WHATEVER' with the correct code for the specific Functional Title.  (select count(*) from appreq ar inner join requisition r on ar.reqcode=r.code where ar.applnum=a.applnum and r.functionaltitle='WHATEVER')>0
Looks to the requisition and matches the Job Type to what is listed.  Replace 'WHATEVER' with the correct code for the specific Job Type. 
(select count(*) from appreq ar inner join requisition r on ar.reqcode=r.code where ar.applnum=a.applnum and r.jobtype='WHATEVER')>0
Looks to the requisition and matches the organizational level AND the value to what is listed.  Replace 'OLEVEL1' with the correct organizational level (1 - 5) and  'WHATEVER' with the correct code for the specific code desired.
(select count(*) from appreq ar inner join requisition r on ar.reqcode=r.code where ar.applnum=a.applnum and r.OLEVEL1='WHATEVER')>0

See also