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Page Location: Applicant File > References

Based on Group Security settings, users can add, edit or delete references. 

The References page is used to hold information about the applicant’s references. If the online application asks for this information, the page can be populated during completion of the online application or by accessing the Reference page of the Self Service module. Users can add/modify each record as needed.

References are automatically sorted by the Name field but the table can be resorted by clicking on the header of the column. 

Column Value 
Name   Displays the Name of the reference.
Relationship Displays the relationship of the reference to the applicant.
Phone/Email Displays the first phone number and the email address of the reference.
Verified Displays a Y or N depending on the status of the reference check.  Once a reference is verified, an applicant can no longer delete the record via the Self Service view (even if the access is set to Update).

After one reference is added, an option to Email References is added to the page below the table.  This button will email a user the reference and the answers to any of the company specific question so the information doesn't have to be printed and manually forwarded.

Adding New References

Users must have "Add Only" or "Update" access to this page to perform this function. Above the table of References, click the "Add New Record" link to add additional references to the applicant. 

After all the details are added, press the disk icon to save the changes.  Remember that this page can be posted for access and viewing by the applicant.  Depending on the setup of the page, some or all of the fields marked in the "Applicant May See" column could be viewed by the applicant via the Self Service module.

Field  Purpose  Applicant May See
Full Name Name of the reference. Yes
Relationship Relationship of this individual with the applicant. Yes
Phone 1 Primary phone number to use when contacting this person. Yes 
Phone 2 Backup phone number to use when contacting this person. Yes
Email Email address which could be used to contact this person. Yes
Years Known How many years the reference as know the applicant. Yes
Employer This can be used in two different ways.
1) It could be used to track the reference's current employer
2) It could be used to track the employer where this reference knew/worked with the applicant.
Title This can be used in two different ways.
1) It could be used to track the reference's current current title
2) It could be used to track the title where this reference knew/worked with the applicant.
Address 1 This can be used in two different ways.
1) It could be used to track the reference's home address
2) It could be used to track the reference's work address
Address 2 This can be used in two different ways.
1) It could be used to track the reference's home address
2) It could be used to track the reference's work address
Verified This field will default to 'No' an should be manually changed to 'Yes' when the reference has been verified.  This ensures that the reference cannot be removed by the Applicant from their view of system.  
Verified By Select which user of Cyber Recruiter did the reference check.  
Date Contacted Enter the date the reference was verified  
Notes This can be used in two different ways. 
1) If the field is configured in the Self Service module for access by the Applicant, use this field to gather more information from the applicant about the reference.
2) If this field is NOT configured to be viewed by the Applicant, enter additional information about the reference or applicant based on the reference check.
Company Specific  The bottom section of the page is used to track feedback from the reference. Add feedback during the creation process if the reference is already checked and this is for historical purposes.  

Editing Reference Details

Most often, the applicant will be entering in references (the top portion of the page) and the Users will use the bottom section and the "Verified" fields. In this scenario, the user will be editing the record instead of adding new records to the references page. 

Users must have "View Only" or "Add Only" access to see the edit icon.  The user will not be able to make changes unless he/she has "Update" access to this page.  Each record can be edited and additional fields are nested in the details for additional tracking.

Reference Reports

Two reports are available on this page for reporting on this specific applicant.  If global reports on references are needed, use the Report Writer to create custom reports.

Summary Report

Press the  icon in the header of the page next to the name of the page. This report includes the following information:
  • Header: "References" and the name of the Applicant
  • Columns:
    • Name of the Reference
    • Relationship
    • Years Known
    • Phone Number (Phone 1)
    • Email
    • Note

Detail Report

Edit any of the reference records and press the icon in the header of the page next to the cancel and save icons. This report includes the following information:

  • Header: "Applicant Reference" and the name of the Applicant
  • Name of the Reference
  • Relationship
  • Employer
  • Job Title
  • Years Known
  • Verified
  • Verified By
  • Date Contact
  • Phone 1
  • Phone 2
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Email
  • Note
  • All the company specific question and answers for this reference

Emailing References

If group security access to the Reference page is set to Update then a button will appear on the bottom of the page allowing the user to email the reference check results to a user of Cyber Recruiter.  Click on the button and three areas will appear.

1) List of Users.  Use this list to highlight the user(s) who should receive a copy of the reference results
2) Note Box. Use the note box to include a brief not to the users who will receive this information.
3) Include Attached Reqs.  Check this box to include in the email the current requisitions for which this applicant is connected to in Cyber Recruiter.

The email which is sent will include the following information

  • Statement at the top of the email indicating to which applicant the references are related.
  • If the option to include the Attached Reqs was checked, a section will be shown displaying the req code / title, date the applicant applied and the current status of the applicant for that requisition.
  • References Information
    • Name of the Reference
    • Relationship to the Applicant
    • Employer of the Reference
    • Job Title of the Reference
    • Phone Number of the Reference
    • Email of the Reference
    • Reference Verified By
    • Date Verified
    • Each question which is part of the reference check appears bolded and the answer from the reference will appear below it in normal type.

See also