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Other-Search Log

Purpose: Use this source view and report on searches logged in the search log.


Field Name  Purpose 
ApplNum Unique identifier of the applicaint which appeared in the search results. 
AppStatus Code of the Overall Status of the applicant which appears on the search results.
AppStatusDescription  Description of the Overall Status of the applicant which appears on the search results.
Code Code of the requisition which was used as a reference when the search was performed.
Criteria Specific programmatic code used to find the applicants which appeared on the search results.
FirstName First name of the applicant.
LastName Last name of the applicant.
Note Note entered as a reason or detail of the search.
ReqDescription Description of the requisition which was used as a reference when the search was performed.
SearchDate Date the search was performed.
SearchTime Time the search was performed.
SearchUserID User ID of the user who performed the search.
SearchUserName User Name of the user who performed the search.
StatusDate Status date of the Overall Status connected to the applicant who appeared on the search results.