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Finding Specific Applicants

Page Location: Applicants > Find Applicant 

If specific information is known about an applicant, using the the "Find" feature will allow a user to quickly find a specific record.  Enter in all or a portion of information find matching records.  If only one record matches the submission, the user will be taken directly to the applicant record. The results page will show a maximum number of records based on the setting in System Setup.

Filter Options


Option  Purpose
Last Name Compares the last name listed on the demographics page of the applicant record. 
First Name Compares the first name listed on the demographics page of the applicant record. 
Email Compares to either the work email or the home email address listed on the demographics page of the applicant record. Only the email address listed as the 'primary' will display on the results page.
Applicant # Enter the exact applicant identification number (view-able on the Status/History page) to look up the applicant by his/her unique ID.  A partial number will find no results.
SSN Enter the exact social security number of the applicant to look the applicant up by this number.  A partial number will find no results. 

Works in conjunction with the date selected.  The range will narrow the applicant pool based on the time-frame selected: 1, 2, 

1, 2, 3 or 5 days

2 or 3 weeks

1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 months

1 or 2 years


Original Application Date   Along with the range selected, will find applicants based on the date of the first application.  This value can be seen on the Status/History page. 
   Last Assign Date Along with the range selected, will find applicants based on the date of the latest application.  This value can be seen on the Activity Page > Assigned Requisition tab.
Status Works in conjunction with the status type selected. Select a single status to use as a filter.  
  Overall Status Compares the status selected against the overall status of the applicant displayed on the Status/History page.
  Req Status Compares the status selected against the status on the requisition displayed on the Activity Page > Assigned Requisition Tab.



The results allow the user to view information and to, potentially, globally change it depending on the product tier as security settings. 


Option  Purpose 
New Search Select this option return to the filter page and update the criteria used.
Copy This option is available only in the Enterprise system when there is more than one database connected to the same installation.  Select the applicants by clicking on the check-box and use this button to move the selected applicants from the current database to another database. 
Email Select the applicants by clicking on the check-box and use this button to mass email a group of applicants.  The process will walk the user through a wizard to send a standardized, customized email to each applicant. 
Status Change Select the applicants by clicking on the check-box and use this button to globally change the Overall Status on a group of applicant. 
X Click the X icon to delete this applicant from the system.  This is a permanent deletion and should not be done as a test.  
Column 1 Will always show the name of the applicant and the applicant ID number.
Column 2 Depends on the Filter: Will show either the Application Date OR the Last Assign Date.
Column 3 Will always show the primary phone number based on the settings on the demographics page.
Column 4 Will always show the primary email address based on the settings on the demographics page.
Column 5 Depends on the Filter: Will show either the Overall Status OR the requisitions for which the applicant has applied AND the status on the requisition.