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Required Pages

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Contact Information

This page must start off the application process and prompts for the following pieces of information pulled from multiple areas in Cyber Recruiter.

Page 1: Advanced Resume Extraction
If "Parse from Resume" is turned on then the application process will start with a prompt to upload the applicant's resume.  This page is not an option for Express clients.  This page does not appear as a section when applying via the Self Service module.

After uploading a resume the system will extract demographics, education, employment, military history, skills and reference information depending on what is in the resume.  A duplicate check will be done and if the new resume matches something already in the system a message will appear notifying the applicant that he/she already has a record in the system (see the last section of this page for instructions on updating this message).

If the information cannot be verified (for example, if the duplicate checking is based on email address and the resume does not have an email) a page will display requesting this important information before continuing. 

Page 2: Demographics Information
The demographics page will be the first page of data collected and will trigger the Actions which are designated on the Actions tab.  If parsing is activated this page will most likely be filled in and the applicant just need to make changes to the page. 

This page will have the instruction message on the top of the page, the applicant's demographic information (as determined by the set-up of the Contact Information page in the Self Service module) and the questions activated in the setup as described below.

Page 3: Company Questions
The final page of the "Contact Information" displays the Application and Requisition questions.  If no questions are designated to post then this page will be skipped and the process will move to the next designated page in the Application Template.

Any Application Question added via Page Builder and set as "Public" will be displayed on this page. The order of display on the page will be based on the Group assigned and then the Order number within the group assigned.  

Any Requisition Question added to the requisition for which this applicant is applying and set as "Public" will be displayed on this page. The order of display on the page will be based on the Group assigned in Page Builder and then the Order number within the group assigned.

The details which are controlled by the page:

Field Options Purpose/Value 
Parse from Resume Set this to Yes to start the online application with a formatted resume. This field is not available unless the Admin > Links > Pre-Defined Links > Advanced Import is enabled.
NOTE: This option is not available to EXPRESS clients. 

Instructions for Parsing
If "Parse from Resume" is set to "Yes" a icon will appear.  Click on it to edit the instructions which the applicant will see when prompted for a resume.  If this instruction page is not completed there will be NO instructions for the applicant related to what step to take.
Include Captcha

Set this to Yes to include a Google Captcha at the bottom of the demographics section of the Contact Information page. 

A Captcha is an add-on that require the applicant to type in two unique words before continuing to the next page. If the words are not correct the applicant will not be allow to continue in the process. The tool is designed to prevent computerized application process from mass completing the online application process.

If activated, this will ONLY show to people who apply the first time.  It does not appear in the Self Service module when individuals are applying to additional jobs.


Before activating this feature, email so your domain can be added to the list of authorized domains for this feature. 

Include Referral Source? Choosing "Yes" or "Required" will make the question entered in the text box display on the website. The drop-down on the website will pull from the Referral Source list.

1st time applicants will complete this field and the data will be stored as the "Overall Referral Source" located on the Application page of the applicant's file as well as the "Position Referral Source" nested in the Requisition details for this applicant. 

Applicants applying for additional jobs in the Self Service module will see this field and the data will only be stored as the "Position Referral Source" nested in the Requisition details for this applicant. 
Include Referral Category Check-mark this option to post out the "Category" for referral sources.  An additional field will be posted on the page which will then narrow down the Referral Source options presented. 

1st time applicants will complete this field and the data will be stored as the "Overall Referral Category" located on the Application page of the applicant's file as well as the "Position Referral Category" nested in the Requisition details for this applicant. 

Applicants applying for additional jobs in the Self Service module will see this field and the data will only be stored as the "Position Referral Category" nested in the Requisition details for this applicant. 
Referral Source Caption Enter the wording which should appear to the applicant prompting for a Referral Source. 
Include Desired Salary? Choosing "Yes" or "Required" will make the question enter in the text box display on the website.  This will be a fill-in the blank field.
Desired Salary Caption Enter the wording which should appear to the applicant prompting for the desired salary.
Include Position Desired? Choosing "Yes" or "Required" will make the question enter in the text box display on the website if an applicant applies without selecting a position. The drop-down on the website will pull from the Position Desired list.  This field is NOT a requisition but rather a classification of the type of job the applicant is interested in.
Position Desired Caption Enter the wording which should appear to the applicant prompting for the classification of which type of job he/she is interested in.
Ask for LinkedIn URL? Choosing "Yes" allows the applicant to enter his/her LinkedIn URL for reference purposes.
LinkedIn URL Caption Enter the wording which should appear to the applicant prompting for the LinkedIn URL.
Add Applicant with which status? Select from the list of Applicant Statuses which status should be assigned to the applicant when starting the online application process.  It is recommended that a status like "Incomplete" be assigned so it is easy to see which applicants have started the process but not completed.  The final status is assigned based on the Actions defined.
Validate Email Set this field to "Yes" to display two email fields on the Contact Information.  Upon reaching this page, the applicant must verify his/her email address before continuing.  If the validation does not match the original email address a message will appear prompting the applicant to correct the email address before continuing.
"Save and Close" Message Enter a short message in this box to post up a warning message if someone presses the Save & Close button when completing the application process via the Self Service module.  If nothing is entered, the applicant will still be able to save and close, he/she will just not receive the message on what is occurring with the record. 
Instruction Box Enter instructions in this box which will appear on the top of the page explaining the process which the applicant is about to move through. 

Thank You Page

This page MUST be included in the online application process.  This page triggers Actions assigned and ensures that the "Actions Done " field is set correctly in the applicant's file.  Pages can be added AFTER this page but it is highly recommended that this page be the last page in the process.

The page consists of a text box where a completion message can be developed which will post out a message to the applicant.  Merge fields can be added to the message to make this more of a unique message for the applicant.  Not all of these field may be completed during the application process; so, before adding them to the Thank You page, make sure data is being gathered so the system can properly merge the information. 

Field  Merges ... Information 
Application Date Displays the date the application was entered into the system. 
Applicant Number The number assigned to this applicant by the system.  This number can be used as the unique identifier for access to the Self Service module.  If this is used, be sure to add this to the Thank You message.
Applicant First Name Displays the "First Name" entered on the Contact Information page.
Applicant Last Name Displays the "Last Name" entered on the Contact Information page.
Applicant in Last Name, First Name format Name in the specified order.
Applicant in First Name Last Name format Name in the specified order.
Applicant Street Address "Street 1" and "Street 2" entered on the Contact Information page.
Applicant City, State/Province, Zip/Postal "City", "State/Provence" and "Zip/Postal Code" entered on the Contact Information page.
Applicant Home Phone "Home Phone" entered on the Contact Information page.
Applicant Email Address  "Home Email" entered on the Contact Information page. This field can be used as the unique identifier for access to the Self Service module. If this is used, be sure to add this to the Thank You message.
Applicant SS Login If the "Customer Login" option is being used as the unique identifier for access to the Self Service module this field can be added to the Thank You message.  This field will appear on the Contact Information page for completion by the applicant.
Applicant SS Password Displays the password for access back to the Self Service module based on the password rules defined.  It is HIGHLY  recommended that this field be displayed on the Thank You page.
Position Applied for (Code) "Req Code" connected to the requisition to which this applicant applied.
Position Applied for (Description) "Job Title" connected to the requisition to which this applicant applied.
Manager of Requisition Name of the "Manager" connected to the requisition to which this applicant applied.
Recruiter of Requisition Name of the "Recruiter" connected to the requisition to which this applicant applied.
Req Organizational Level (1-5) "Organizational Level" (1-5) field description connected to the requisition to which this applicant applied.
Req Miscellaneous Fields (1-20) Any field description from the specified field connected to the requisition to which this applicant applied.
Req Note Select a note which is stored with the requisition to be displayed on the Thank You page.  This allows for a customized message based on the job selected.
Current Date Automatically fills in the current date in a mm/dd/yyyy format.
Current Time Automatically fills in the current time.
Company Name  "Company Name" field stored on the Admin > System Setup page
Link to Corporate Benefits Creates a hyperlink to the Benefits description page. The field has two parts to the merge field. "BenefitsLink" is the programming that goes to the benefits page controlled by Cyber Recruiter, overwrite the text "Enter Caption Here" with what should be shown in the email as the hyperlink to click.
Link to Self Service Login Creates a hyperlink to the Self Service login page.  The field has two parts to the merge field. "SSLink" is the programming that goes to the self service page, overwrite the text "Enter Caption Here" with what should be shown in the email as the hyperlink to click. 
Link to First Careers Page Creates a hyperlink back to job browsing. The field has two parts to the merge field. "CareersLink" is the programming that goes to the job browsing page controlled by Cyber Recruiter, overwrite the text "Enter Caption Here" with what should be shown in the email as the hyperlink to click.

Duplicate Applicant Message

The system will attempt to prevent the same person from applying under multiple profiles using a duplicate check on the Contact Information page.  The duplicate check method is defined in the Admin section on the System Setup page.  If a potential duplicate is discovered, a custom message can be presented to the applicant with instructions on how to move forward. 

Scroll down to the bottom of the Online Application tab and a link will display - "Click here to edit the "Duplicate Applicant" message.

Click on the link to open the page and edit the message which will appear.  Links to other pages of the careers module can be posted allowing the applicant to move from the message page back to other areas of the website.

Merge Field Purpose
Link to Intro Page Creates a hyperlink back to the introductory page of the website. The field has two parts to the merge field. "IntroLink" is the programming that goes to the benefits page controlled by Cyber Recruiter, overwrite the text "Enter Caption Here" with what should be shown in the email as the hyperlink to click.
Link to Corporate Benefits Creates a hyperlink to the Benefits description page. The field has two parts to the merge field. "BenefitsLink" is the programming that goes to the benefits page controlled by Cyber Recruiter, overwrite the text "Enter Caption Here" with what should be shown in the email as the hyperlink to click.
Link to Self Service Login Creates a hyperlink to the Self Service login page. The field has two parts to the merge field. "SSLink" is the programming that goes to the self service page, overwrite the text "Enter Caption Here" with what should be shown in the email as the hyperlink to click.
Link to First Careers Page Creates a hyperlink back to job browsing. The field has two parts to the merge field. "CareersLink" is the programming that goes to the job browsing page controlled by Cyber Recruiter, overwrite the text "Enter Caption Here" with what should be shown in the email as the hyperlink to click.


See also