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Route an Applicant From the Inbox


The following will ass in routing an applicant from within your Cyber Recruiter Inbox


  1. Click the checkbox located to the left of the applicant record(s)
  2. Click the “Route” button
  3. Select other Users to route the applicant’s information to
  4. Check the Add to Inbox(es) field if you would like for the routed applicant to go to the recipient’s Cyber Recruiter Inbox
  5. Select the Requisition from drop down list
  6. Check the box “Route to supervisor of this Requisition” (verify the appropriate hiring manager’s name appears after doing so)
  7. Select “3-Routed to Hiring Manager” in the Change Status to field
  8. Select “Send separate email for each applicant”
  9. Check “Allow response” (must be checked for the status response links to be included in the routing email.)
  10. Check “Allow response”
  11. Check “Email response back to sender”
  12. Check “Update applicant’s req status” (only available if sending to one person)
  13. Enter a note to the recipient(s) if desired
  14. Click Save Changes


See also



Routing from The Cyber Recruiter Inbox