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Purpose: Use this source to gain insight into the setup of the various users in the system.



Field Name  Purpose  Controlled By
AddApp "Y" indicates this person can add an applicant to the system. Group Security
AddReq "Y" indicates this person can add a requisition to the system.  Group Security
Admin "Y" or "N" depending on if the user is marked as an administrator.  User Security
advapp No longer used as of 9.1
AppApplication Access to the Application page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppCorr Access to the Correspondence page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppDemo Access to the Demographics page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppDesiredSalary Access to see the standard Desired Salary field on the Application page of the applicant profile.  Group Security
AppEducation Access to the Education page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppEEO Access to the EEO information on the Demographics page of the applicant profile Group Security
AppEmployers Access to the Previous Employment page of the applicant profile Group Security
AppFindRange Value of the range selected as the default (1 month, 1 year, etc.) User Preferences
AppFindSort Value of the pre-selected sort used for searching set as the default. 
User Preferences
AppFindStatus Value of the pre-selected status used for searching set as the default.  User Preferences
AppForms Access to the Attachments page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppHistory Access to the History page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppInvites Access to the Interview page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppMisc Access to the Misc page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppNotes Access to the Notes page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppNotesInvite Access to see the Interview notes on the Notes page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppNotesOffer Access to see the Offer notes on the Notes page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppNotesRoute Access to see the Routing notes on the Notes page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppOfferLetters Access to see the Offer page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppReferences Access to see the references page of the applicant profile Group Security
AppReports Access to see the Applicants section of the standard reports menu. Group Security
AppReportsAAP Access to see the AAP section of the Applicant's standard reports menu. Group Security
AppResume Access to to the Resume page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppRouting Access to the Routing page of the applicant profile, Group Security
AppSecAll "Y" indicates the user can see all applicants. User Security
AppSecInvite "Y" indicates the user can see applicant to which the user is listed as an interviewer.
User Security
AppSecOffer "Y" indicates the user can see applicant to which the user is listed as an approver of the offer.
User Security
AppSecReq "Y" indicates the user can see applicant to which the user has the ability to view the requisition which he/she is connected. User Security
AppSecRoute "Y" indicates the user can see applicant to which the user is listed as an a recipient of a routing request.
User Security
AppSkills Access to the Skills page of the applicant profile. Group Security
AppSS Access to be able to reset / see the password for the applicant's profile. Group Security
AppStatusChange Ability to change the status on the applicant and the status connected to the jobs for which the user can see. Group Security
AssignedApps Access to the Applicants page of the requisition file. Group Security
AssignedReqs Access to the Attached Requisition page of the applicant file. Group Security
AvailAppNotes Determines which applicant note types the user has access to read and use. User Security
AvailAppAdvancedCriteria SQL statement limiting access to the applicants above and beyond the standard security. User Security
AvailReqNotes Determines which requisition note types the user has access to read and use.
User Security
AvailReqAdvCrit SQL statement limiting access to the requisitions above and beyond the standard security.
User Security
AvailReqsOrg1 to AvailReqOrg5  Determines which requisition can be seen limited by the organizational level value selected. 
User Security
ChangeReqCode Ability to change the unique identifier assigned to the requisition. Group Security
CopyReq Ability to create a new requisition from a copy of a previous requisition.   Group Security
DeleteApp Ability to delete an applicant record completely from the system.  Group Security
DeleteReq Ability to delete a requisition record completely from the system.  Group Security
Disabled "Y" or "N" depending on if the user account is disabled.
User Security
Email Email address of the user logging into the system.  User Security
ExportAppDate Ability to export applicant data using the standard export tool.  Group Security
ExportData Ability to export data from the Req List view Group Security
ExportReqData Ability to export requisition data using the standard export tool.  Group Security
ForceChange "Y" or "N" depending on if the user account is marked to force a password change. 
User Security
HiringManager "Y" or "N" depending on if the user is marked as a hiring manager. 
User Security
HomePage Default page to appear when logging into the system User Preferences
HomePageDefaults Field no longer used
ImportApp No longer used as of 9.1
InboxesAvailable If the user can see other inboxes, this will list which inboxes are available.  User Security
Initials Initials of the user based on the user account. User Security
LoginGroup Group connected to the user account. User Security
MainReq Access to the Main page of the requisition. Group Security
MilitaryHistory Access to the Military History page of the applicant record. Group Security
OfferApprovalPref Indicator of which email distribuion (at each approval or at the end) is desired.
OtherInbox Indicates of the user has the ability to see the inbox view of other users
User Security
PrintApp Access to the Applicant Profile report Group Security
PwdChangeDate Date of the last password chnage.  
PwdChangeTime Time of the last password change.   
Recruiter "Y" or "N" depending on if the user is marked as an recruiter. 
User Security
ReqApprovalPref Indicator of which email distribution (at each approval or at the end) is desired.

ReqApprovals Access to see the Approvals page of a requisition file. Group Security
ReqChangeStatus Ability to change the status on a requisition. Group Security
ReqCosts Access to the Costs page of the requisition file. Group Security
ReqEdu Access to the Education Requirements page of the requisition file. Group Security
ReqForms Access to the Attachments page of the requisition file. Group Security
ReqHistory Access to the History page of the requisition file. Group Security
ReqJD Access to the Job Description page of the requisition file. Group Security
ReqMisc Access to the Misc. tab of the Main page of the requisition file. Group Security
ReqNotes Access to the Notes page of the requisition file. Group Security
ReqQuestions Access to the Requisition Questions page of the requisition file. Group Security
ReqReports Access to the Requisition section of the standard reports menu.
Group Security
ReqSalRange Access to the Salary Range information on the Main page of the requisition file. Group Security
ReqSecAll "Y" indicates the user can see all requisitions.
User Security
ReqSecApprover "Y" indicates the user can see requisitions when the user is listed as an approver for the requisition.
User Security
ReqSecCreated "Y" indicates the user can see requisitions when the user created the requisition.
User Security
ReqSecHM "Y" indicates the user can see requisitions when the user is listed as the hiring manager for the requisition.
User Security
ReqSecRec "Y" indicates the user can see requisitions when the user is listed as the recruiter for the requisition.
User Security

Access to the Salary Grade information on the Main page of the requisition file.

Group Security
ReqSkills Access to the Skills Requirements page of the requisition file. Group Security
ResumeHeader "Y" will repeat the contact information on the top of the text resume when access. User Preferences
ResumeNewWindow "Y" indicates that resume, when access, will appear in a new window. User Preferences
RRCat Lists which categories of reports this user has access to view Group Security
RRDesign "Y" indicates the user has the ability to create new reports in Report Writer Group Security
RRView "Y" indicates the user has the ability to view reports created in Report Writer. Group Security
SearchType No longer used as of 9.1  
SecurityClearance Access to the Security Clearance page of the applicant file. User Security
UserID Unique identification for the user User Security
UserName Name of the user User Security


"Y" or "N" depending on if the user is marked as an administrator.