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Push Via FoxPro

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Interface by Dynamic Link: Cyber Recruiter and the Sage HRMS systems are connected via an ODBC or OLE DB connection which allows for a page in Cyber Recruiter to collect information and push the information into the Sage HRMS system.  This is a one step process; however it does require direct connection between the two systems. 

This process will have one page to complete during the daily use of this interface.  The page will be under the Applicant menu item for . 

Establishing Connectivity

The process for transferring new hires from Cyber Recruiter to Sage HRMS using the dynamic requires establishing a connection to the Foxpro database. 

On the Cyber Recruiter Web Server

  1. Download the Visual FoxPro OLEDB component (, unzip and install on the Web Server.
  2. Create a Domain User on your network to be used specifically for Cyber Recruiter
  3. Open IIS on the Cyber Recruiter web server and go to the Advanced Settings of the Application Pool of which Cyber Recruiter is a part and Edit the Identity for that pool and change it to the Domain User you created. You will need the password for this step. Change the Load User Profile setting to True then Save and close the Application Pool Advanced Settings.
  4. Edit the NTFS security settings on the Cyber Recruiter installation folder.  Give full access to the Domain User you created
  5. Edit the NTFS security settings on the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files folder, giving full access to the Domain User you created.
  6. Go into Regedit and find the keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Visibility Software\Cyber Recruiter and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Visibility Software\Cyber Recruiter (if it exists).  For both, give full access for that key to the Domain User you created

On the Sage HRMS Server

  1. Give the Domain User you created Modify access to the Share you created to expose the Sage HRMS data folder.
  2. Give the Domain User you created Modify NTFS access to the Sage HRMS\Data folder itself
  3. Go into the Local Security Policy applet and assign the Domain User you created to the following policies… Logon as a Service Logon as a Batch Job Replace a Process Level Token Adjust Memory Quotas for a Process
  4. From within Sage HRMS 
  5. Find the path to the Sage HRMS Data Directory
  6. Log in to Sage HRMS
  7. Go to Help / Sage HRMS
  8. Click the System Information tab
  9. Write down the Data Path

Go Back to the Cyber Recruiter Web Server

  1. Ensure that Sage HRMS has an assigned path viewable by this computer
  2. Find the web.config file in the Cyber Recruiter root installation folder and open it in Notepad.
  3. In the <AppSettings> section of the web.config file, add the following line

<add key="AbraPath" value="\\ServerName\AbraShare" />

Replace “\\ServerName\AbraShare\” with the full path to your Sage HRMS data directory. 

The path should be a UNC path, not a drive letter path.  

Note: Under Admin > Links > Pre-Defined Links in Cyber Recruiter, the FoxPro Data Source field can be left blank.  It is used only when utilizing an ODBC to connect to your Sage HRMS data directory (instead of the method outlined above).  It exists only as a backup to the above method and shouldn’t be used unless Cyber Recruiter’s support staff instructs you to do so.

Enable Sage HRMS in Cyber Recruiter

Once the connection information is obtained, take the following steps in the admin section to activate this interface.

Step 1: Set Global Defaults

Page Location: Admin > Links > Pre Defined Links > Sage HRMS 




Integration to Sage HRMS  enabled?


Sage HRMS-specific page and menu items will be added in Cyber Recruiter.

Action Needed: Highlight the Users in the Drop-Down List who should have access to the Sage HRMS-specific functions in Cyber Recruiter.  Hold the CRTL key down to select more than one User.


Users will not see any references to Sage HRMS in Cyber Recruiter.

Do you use Sage HRMS  Payroll?


All Sage HRMS Payroll-specific fields will appear in Cyber Recruiter during the transfer process.


Only HR Related fields will appear during the transfer process.

Transfer Method FoxPro

Capitalize everything?


All data transferred to Sage HRMS will appear in capitalized lettering.


All data transferred to Sage HRMS will appear as it was entered in Cyber Recruiter.

 Transfer Benefits Yes/No

Select 'Yes' to have the integration automatically add any benefits which are established as 'automatic add' 


Note: The integration looks only to the Standard Eligibility tab to determine the parameters for the automatic addition (salary type, employee type, age, etc.). It does NOT take into account anything listed on the Custom Eligibility tab.

 Transfer Deductions Yes/No If using the Payroll integration, select 'Yes' to have the integration automatically add any deductions which are established as 'automatic add' 
 Transfer Taxes Yes/No If using the Payroll integration, select 'Yes' to have the integration automatically add any taxes which are established as 'automatic add'

Step 2: Define Additional Options

Tab  Field  Note 
Foxpro ODBC DSN Cyber Recruiter will reference the web config file to locate the Sage HRMS data for the file transfer.
Misc. Fields   Identify any fields currently in Cyber Recruiter which can be passed to Sage HRMS' misc. fields. Use the drop-down menus to identify the location of the information in Cyber Recruiter.

The field name relates to which miscellaneous field the information will be stored in when transferred to Sage HRMS on the page specified in the parenthesis
  Misc. 1 (HR Status) Available Fields: Status, State Date, Referral Source, Employee Referred By, Desired Salary, PIN, Applicant Misc. 1-20
  Misc. 2 (HR Status) Available Fields: Status, State Date, Referral Source, Employee Referred By, Desired Salary, PIN, Applicant Misc. 1-20
  Misc. 3 (HR Status) Available Fields: Status, State Date, Referral Source, Employee Referred By, Desired Salary, PIN, Applicant Misc. 1-20
  Misc. 4 (HR Status) Available Fields: Applicant Misc. 1 - 20
  Misc. 1 (Current Pay) Available Fields: Status, State Date, Referral Source, Employee Referred By, Desired Salary, PIN, Applicant Misc. 1-20
  Misc. 2 (Current Pay) Available Fields: Status, State Date, Referral Source, Employee Referred By, Desired Salary, PIN, Applicant Misc. 1-20
  Misc. 3 (Current Pay) Available Fields: Applicant Misc. 1 - 20
  Misc. 4 (Current Pay) Available Fields: Applicant Misc. 1 - 20
Advanced Text Box Use this field to enter in an SQL statement to pass additional information over to Sage HRMS.  Fields can be passed to hrpersonal as well as hrtkpers.

Please contact technical support for assistance in building these statements.


When using the 'Advanced' feature, the statement is a SQL query to pull information from Cyber Recruiter and post to Sage.  Information can be sent to hrpersnl and hrtkpers.

When sending information to hrpersnl, {ReferralSource}, {Empno}, and {Company} will all get substituted in and allow for a valid SQL statement that can be run against the Sage SQL database. 

UPDATE hrpersnl set p_source=left('{ReferralSource}',6) where rtrim(ltrim(p_empno))=rtrim(ltrim('{Empno}')) and p_company='{Company}'

For custom fields in the hrtkpers table, a row needs to be added so the statement would be something like this...

INSERT hrtkpers(u_empno,u_company,u_TEPAYGR) values({Empno},{Company},{WhateverFromCR})

{WhateverFromCR}, needs to correspond to some fields in Cyber Recruiter that gets substituted into that custom script.  The possible values for it are basically all the same {} App and Req fields that are available when making a correspondence template.



 Configuration Options   Update Adjusted Seniority Date 

Select 'Yes' to update the Adjusted Seniority Date with the Hire Date during the rehire process 


Select 'No' to not send over the Adjusted Seniority Date during the rehire process

   Show EEO Information

Selecting ' Yes' displays the page so the users can see the EEO values on the page.


Selecting 'No' will only show if the Veterans, Race and Gender fields have a value (Yes or No) and not the actual value. 

   Require Marital Status  
   Require Birth Date  
   Default Value for I9  
   Default Value for Pay Frequency  
   Show OLevel (1 to 5)   Select if this level should show on the hire page or not.
   Require OLevel (1 to 5)  Select if a value has to be required before finishing the hire process.

See also