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Page Location: Requisition File > Requirements

This page was updated with version 9.1.

The Requirements Page sets required skills and/or education needed for the requisition. This page can be for reference only or a specialized search can be run based on the requirements added. 

Requirements Page allows users to find Applicants in the database based on requirements entered here and/or guidelines for the position. Users can Copy Requirements from another requisition or Perform Req Requirement Search to perform the actual search. The more requirements added, the narrower the search. The search reviews the Applicant File > Experience Page.


Each column works in conjunction with each other.  So, applicant which appear on the results page will have the components of each columns.  For example, if Accounting is selected from the Skills list and Bachelor's Degree is selected from the Degree list then the applicants which appear will have both the skill of accounting and a Bachelor's degree.  

Inside the column, the selections can be inclusive or optional.  The setting on the bottom of the column dictates how the values will be treated.  For example, if Communications and Marketing are selected in the Majors column, selecting ANY will allow the search to find applicants with either major but selecting AND will require the applicant to have both majors.

Perform Req Requirements

Search Click this link to search the database for any applicant matching the requirements specified.  

Copy Requirements
Click this link to copy the requirements from another requisition to this requisition.  Upon pressing this link the page will prompt the user to select the requisition based on Code or Description and will allow the user to filter out close requisition.  Once the filters are set, use the drop-down list to find the correct requisition and press Save Changes.

See also