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Ethnic Origins

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Page Location: Admin > Codes > Ethnic Origins

This code table contains the ethnic origin codes used for EEO tracking purposes and it populates the Race drop down list on the EEO tab of an applicant's Demographics page inside CR and the Ethnic Origin dropdown list on the Personal Information page of the Applicant Careers/Self Service site.

To activate the Ethnic Origin field for use by applicants go to Admin > Website > Career Portal >  Self Service > Personal Info Page and highlight the field in the first column.  To make the field required for all applicants to complete, highlight it in both columns.

NOTE:  The codes, as listed below, are hard coded for use with the standard AAP reporting in Cyber Recruiter. Changing any of the codes will make the "Affirmative Action Report by Requisition" not available for use and will require custom AAP reports be created and maintained in the Report Writer. If you are using the Express Version of Cyber Recruiter, it is highly recommended that the codes NOT be changed since the Report Writer is not available in this version. 

There are two ways to set up the Ethnic Origin fields.  If Cyber Recruiter is integrating to another HR system, consult the HR system to determine the best method for the setup.

Option 1: Use the "Hispanic" field

There is a field on the applicant's EEO tab (view-able to the applicant via the Personal Information page) which allows for a separate question to be presented to the applicant so he/she can indicate that he/she is Hispanic. The concept behind this field is to allow the applicant to indicate he/she is Hispanic and then to move on to other questions and NOT to select a different Ethnic Origin.  If the Hispanic field is used, only one (1) code should be added to the Ethnic Origin code table which will be used when the applicant answers Yes to this Hispanic question.  This code should have a 'Yes' in the column for 'Is Hispanic'.  If there is nothing listed as 'Yes' for 'Is Hispanic' then when the applicant selects that he/she is Hispanic, nothing will be filled in for the Ethnic Origin and the applicant could be caught in a loop when accessing the Personal Information page. If the applicant answers No to the Hispanic question, the applicant can pick from any of the Ethnic Origin codes list.

Use this method if you've been told that you need to ask a separate question of applicant specifically indicating that he/she is Hispanic. You may need to double check your HRIS integration to ensure all the codes match that system. 

Option 2: List All Ethnic Origin Options

List all the Ethnic Origin options and don't use the Hispanic field.  The Hispanic field can be removed from the applicant's view of his/her record.  In this case, the field will not show and applicant will be able to select any value from the Ethnic Origin drop-down.  If using this method, ensure that all scenarios which are needed for AAP report are listed in the drop-down list.

Use this method if you've been told that you need to track more than one option for Hispanic (Hispanic/Latino All, Hispanic/Latino All Other, Hispanic/Latino White, etc).  

User View:  If Group Security access is granted which allows the user to see the 'EEO' page, users will see these values in the Race field in the Applicant file > Demographics Page > EEO Information Tab and the field can be leveraged in the Cyber Search  as well placed onto the Inbox view.  If Group Security access is granted to 'AAP Reports' these values will be seen in the various standard AAP reports.

Applicant View:  The Applicant sees these values in the Ethnic Origin field in the Online Application > Personal Information Page  or in the Self Service > Personal Information Page when available.

 Code        Description  Is Hispanic
 A                 Asian                                               No
 B           Black or African American           No
 H   Hispanic  Yes
 I           American Indian or Alaska Native  No
 MULT   Two or More Races  No
 PI   Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  No
 W       White  No
 X   Info Withheld  No

Import Code Key: ET 
.csv file should contain Code & Description in that order.

Creating Ethnic Origin Codes

Important Considerations: Cyber Recruiter codes cannot contain certain symbols such as commas, quotes, periods, apostrophes or ampersands and the user will get an error message when trying to enter or import codes containing them. There are also certain character combinations that must be avoided because Cyber Recruiter is programmed to strip them (even if they are in the middle of a code or description) as they can be used by others to reference potentially dangerous procedures or scripts that could cause harm to your Cyber Recruiter system. These combinations include: SP_ or sp_ and XP_ or xp_. Also a double dash will be converted to a single dash. There are a few other combinations not listed here that could be stripped, but it is extremely unlikely that they would be used in codes or descriptions.

After clicking "Add new record." enter in the necessary information to create a new code.

Field Purpose
Code Unique Identifier for the drop-down option. This code is written in the raw data and is referenced to determine the description to show on the screen. If the code is removed from the Admin > Codes section, this value will still be in the Applicant file for reporting purposes unless the file is edited and saved after the code was deleted. When importing data for Applicants use this value and NOT descriptions for the import spreadsheets.
Description This is what is displayed on the screens and on the website for searching.
Is Hispanic Click the 'No' to change the value to 'Yes' for whichever field should be considered the default ethnicity code for Hispanic.

When the applicant answers this question on the personal information page, if he/she selects that he/she is Hispanic, this code will be written to the when the database for reporting purposes.  If he/she says that he/she is Hispanic, the standard field for ethnic origin will not be active and cannot be changed.


Inactivating Ethnic Origin Codes

Ethnic Origin codes can be inactivated. When the code is inactivated it will no longer be an option to select when updating the system or displayed in grouping/search options on the website. Inactive codes in search lists and reports inside Cyber Recruiter will be segmented so all active codes appear first and then inactive codes appear under a header ---Inactive---

To inactivate a code, edit the code and check mark the option for 'Inactive'.