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Page Location: Admin > Website > Career Portal
Tab: Self Service
Sub-Page: Main
Tab: Login Page & Forgot Login

This tab controls the general settings for view of the information by applicants and employees using the Self Service module and also stores text message setup pages for communication with the Applicant/Employee.  

Field Purpose
.... desired width (in pixels) ...     This field controls how much space is available to the Self Service module for display purposes.  If the page is too narrow or too wide, change the number here, press  to save the page and check the page layout in the Self Service module to see if it is better.
Login Field The Login Field defines which field is referenced for verification of the user ID when an applicant/employee attempts to log into Self Service.
Email Address Depending on the Primary Email field (Home or Work) defined on the Demographics page, this will reference either the Home or Work email address for verification.

This is the typical selection since most individuals have an email address and it will be easy to remember.
Applicant Number This is the number assigned to the applicant as he/she is added into Cyber Recruiter.  This will be a very unique ID (no duplication) however it may be too unique for the applicant to remember.
Custom Login This field allows for a unique user ID which the applicant can define. There is a duplicate check on this field so no more than one applicant can have the same login ID.

This is typically used if the applicant pool isn't expected to have email addresses or if there will be another system which allows for Single Sign-On and that system defines the login credential.

If using the LinkedIn integration, this field is automatically filled in with the Applicant Number which is automatically assigned.  After the applicant accesses his/her profile, this field can be changed to something unique for the applicant.
...view the requisitions attached... No For any requisition which the applicant/employee is connected, he/she will not see the details.
Yes If the applicant/employee navigates to the Job History/Browsing page, he/she will be able to see the requisitions for which he/she is attached.  This is not exclusive of the jobs for which he/she has applied.  Meaning, if a user connects the individual to a requisition, the applicant/employee will see this requisition.

On the Print Application report, the applicant/employee will see the requisitions for which he/she is connected and will see any Public requisition questions and the answers connected to the questions.
... withdraw from a position... No The applicant/employee cannot withdraw via the Self Service module from a position to which he/she has applied.  If company policy states that an applicant can withdraw from a position, he/she would need to contact the HR department in order to withdraw.
Yes The applicant/employee can use the Self Service module to withdraw from ANY position.  The applicant will see a red Withdraw link next to any position for which he/she is connected.  Upon pressing this link, the status will be changed to Withdrawn and the applicant will no longer see the position in the list of jobs he/she is connected to in the system.

NOTE:  If an applicant withdraws from a position, he/she CANNOT reapply for the same position.  If this step was done accidentally, he/she needs to contact HR to have them manually adjust the record.

If the Applicant Status for Withdrawn is set to have an automatic notification, this notification will occur and the sender will be listed as the default email address. 
Open Only The applicant/employee can use the Self Service module to withdraw from OPEN positions.  This prevents an applicant from changing his/her status to withdrawn after a position has been closed.  This is the recommended setting. 

The applicant will see a red Withdraw link next to any currently open position for which he/she is connected.  Upon pressing this link, the status will be changed to Withdrawn and the applicant will no longer see the position in the list of jobs he/she is connected to in the system.

NOTE:  If an applicant withdraws from a position, he/she CANNOT reapply for the same position.  If this step was done accidentally, he/she needs to contact HR to have them manually adjust the record.

If the Applicant Status for Withdrawn is set to have an automatic notification, this notification will occur and the sender will be listed as the default email address. 
Self Service Link This is the link to the Self Service login page.  It will be the URL for the main careers site with /AppSelfService.aspx added to the end of the URL.  Typically this is set during the installation/data transfer process and only needs to be changed if the data is moved or the URL changes.
Column 1 Caption
(Job Title)
This appears above the on the Job History page in the list of requisitions for which the applicant has applied above the title of the requisition.

If left blank, the title for the column will be "Job Title".  Enter a different caption to change the default.
Column 2 Caption
(Application Date)
This appears above the on the Job History page in the list of requisitions for which the applicant has applied above the list of dates when the applicant applied to the jobs.

If left blank, the title for the column will be "Application Date".  Enter a different caption to change the default. 
Column 3 Caption
(Position Status)
This appears above the on the Job History page in the list of requisitions for which the applicant has applied above the list of statuses of the various requisitions.  This column will display the 'Public' status connected to the requisitions status assigned to the position. 

If left blank, the title for the column will be "Position Status".  Enter a different caption to change the default.
... message... Self Service Home Page This message appears when the applicant / employee logs into the Self Service module.  Use the space provide to explain to the individual how to navigate and use the site.

The Company Name can be merged into the text box to further brand the site, if desired.  Simply place the cursor where the field should be and press Add.
...message... an error has occurred This message appears if there is a system error which occurs and prevents normal interaction with the site.  Generally the message on this page includes instructions on what steps to take of there is a persistent issue. 

Company Name can be merged into the text box to further brand the site, if desired. 
Task List should be merged into the text box if this feature is used so the applicant can view the outstanding list of items and indicate when the task is complete. 

Simply place the cursor where the field should be and press Add.

See also