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Sage ESS

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Leverage Sage HRMS' Employee Self Service (ESS) Single-Sign-On service to automatically launch Cyber Recruiter from the ESS Manager view, and/or launch the Applicant Self Service center from the  ESS Employee section. Steps must be taken in both Cyber Recruiter and Sage HRMS ESS to achieve this functionality.

In addition, the ESS user name must match either the SSLogin field (for the employee view) or the User ID field (for the Manager view.) See each section for further details.  

Sage ESS does not need to be a public site, but Cyber Recruiter does need to be able to browse to the Sage ESS URL. If both are internal to the network, then there’s not an issue, neither are public. However, if Cyber Recruiter is public (hosted externally or with Visibility Software, for example) and there is a desire to use the Single Sign-On with Sage ESS, then the Sage ESS system would have to be public so that Cyber Recruiter can browse to it.  This would require port 80 or 443 to be open on the server.


IIS authentication for the Cyber Recruiter site and the Careers site should have Windows Authentication Enabled.

Setup for Cyber Recruiter

This step MUST be taken after ESS is already installed and running.

READ THIS... IT IS VERY IMPORTANT!: During a successful ESS installation, a web service is installed to the ESS web server. The AbraWorkForceConnSSI.asmx file for this service is generally found in the /SSOI folder within the root ESS installation folder but may be different depending on where it was installed. You can check for this file and identify the path necessary below by accessing ESS as a user normally would from a web browser. When you get to the login page for ESS do not log in, just add this to the URL: ssoi/AbraWorkForceConnSSI.asmx. This should take you to a page with a header AWCSingleSignOn. If that is correct, copy the full URL to use in the edit below. Once you have copied the full URL navigate to the root installation folder of Cyber Recruiter.  In the webconfig file, you will replace the example .asmx file below in blue with the full URL to the correct .asmx file in two sections - "AppSettings" and one in "ApplicationSettings".  If the section bolded in each of the examples is missing, it will need to be added.


NOTE: in one location the quotes are needed but not in the other section

For versions prior to v10.x the below will be in the web.config file - for v10.x this will be in the appsettings-override.config file. 

     <add key = "ConString" value="25qJIQR7/cVnzsASPQvNhzfAW7dXfBSLwZwU2guvZXArNSkg+gpKO="/>
     <add key = "AbraAWCSSOI" value=""/>


Setup for Careers

The same process needs to be done to the Careers pages.  In the webconfig file, you will replace the example .asmx file below in blue with the full URL to the correct .asmx file in two sections - "AppSettings" and one in "ApplicationSettings".  If the section bolded in each of the examples is missing, it will need to be added.


NOTE: in one location the quotes are need but not in the other section. 

For versions prior to v10.x the below will be in the web.config file - for v10.x this will be in the appsettings-override.config file. 

     <add key = "ConString" value="25qJIQR7/cVnzsASPQvNhzfAW7dXfBSLwZwU2guvZXArNSkg+gpKO="/>
     <add key = "AbraAWCSSOI" value=""/>


       <setting name="CRAppSelfServicedotNet2_AbraAWC_AWCSingleSignOn" serializeAs="String"> <value></value>


Setup for Sage HRMS Workforce Connection

There are two possible links to setup from ESS to Cyber Recruiter. Which one(s) you decide to use are up to you.
  1. Create a link that allows ESS users to automatically login to their Applicant Self Service account
  2. Create a link that allows ESS users who also happen to be managers in your organization to login to the Cyber Recruiter admin application.